All of a sudden Bitcoin is everywhere. Everyone must have heard of this term, and some of them must have used it for transactions. It becomes popular since it works without a central repository or administrator which is not the case in traditional currency. Now a major question comes, how the transactions are verified and valid in such a case. Where it is the Blockchain comes into play. Now a question comes here.
As the name reveals itself, Blockchain is an open infrastructure with blocks of information linked to each other containing references to the previous block and is also secured with the help of cryptography. It is a decentralized and distributed system like a public ledger that stores a registry of assets and transactions in a peer to peer network. In simple terms, In order to record financial transactions as well as everything of virtual value, Blockchain acts as a secured digital program to accomplish the digital security needs. All the information is been stored in a block which cannot be edited, adjusted or changed.
But before going further, let me make your mind clear. Bitcoin and Blockchain are two different concepts. The Blockchain is used as a backend of Bitcoin for maintaining the distributed transaction ledger in a peer-to-peer layer which is done by anonymously.
Nowadays the usages of this technology in different spheres are accelerating at a great pace. And here are some of its advantages that you should know about:
Transparency plays a major role for business growth. More the transparency, the better business will perform. One of the reasons why your business should use this technology is about its open source structure. It means anyone from this network can access the information/data. It can help you to gain the trust of the customers and develop a healthy relationship with your users. The main important thing of this open source is the logged data can’t be saved without majority Blockchain network users.
One of the main advantages of this Blockchain is security. This provides an amazing security that helps you to provide assured information. With the help of cryptography, it assures users to store their data with authenticity. Once the data is stored or written, the user is not allowed to change or amend it.
Blockchain technology works 24×7, all the day, which means blockchain-based transaction process, is quicker and faster.
When you do the transaction via banks, it takes a couple of hours or days to complete it which delays processing times. But as far as the blockchain transaction is concerned, it takes a mere minute to process and complete.
Without the involvement of the third party, the blockchain allows you to make a transaction. So, the intermediary or third party is not present here, and hence it is proved out to be in a favour of users.
Since the blockchain is a taking its baby steps towards the new digital world and currency, there is a lot of hidden potentials that can be enhanced in the industries and used in our lives after the proper research. It still has a long way to go. Even now it is changing the future of currency, and in the coming days will introduce some other amazing changes as well with the help of various innovations taking place.
The security blockchain provides and with easier data exchange mechanism, the blockchain is being widely used in many industries. It helps provide faster, better and reliable service to the users. Here are some of the industries in which this technology is started off:
It’s necessary to maintain secure data in healthcare department. In fact, it also requires fast processing for any health-related issue. It provides timely service to the clients for their healthcare data. This claims to reduce the healthcare payment frauds.
Banking and share market sectors are also using the blockchains. To reduce fraud, bitcoin may turn out to be quite helpful for you. It provides faster and better service and reduces the maintenance costs. It brings trust, simplicity & enhanced customer experience to financial services.
There is a huge impact of blockchain in the automobile industry. With the arrival of automatic cars, this can play a major role in the payment methodology, booking rides, and several such tasks.
WebFox is a global IT service delivery organization that delivers high-quality IT services to clients worldwide. We use our global talent pool and best-in-class delivery models by leveraging powerful blockchain technology to streamline your business processes. If you are looking for some help to create websites that stand out, then, we can help you in developing and designing that are based on the latest trends and ideas. To learn more about what Web Fox does, kindly drop an email on -